2020年4月23日 星期四



  復活節期間我們收到了來自國際明愛會的問候並為預防新冠病毒在全球最弱勢的地區擴散,啟動了新冠病毒緊急基金- CRF其內容如下

“COVID-19 Responses Fund”(CRF)














國際明愛會秘書長 Aloysius
國際明愛會主席 塔格萊

信用卡捐款(下載授權書 PDF檔  )
捐款項目請註明 :CRF













信用卡捐款(下載授權書 PDF檔  )
捐款項目請註明 :CRF

2020年4月10日 星期五


Aloysius John's Interview to the Vatican newspaper

Osservatore Romano 



How are Caritas organizations trying to keep on as many services as possible in the face of mass disruption caused by Corona virus?


At this moment of high crisis and even a tragedy, Caritas continues working to receive, accompany and help those who are affected directly or indirectly by the Crisis.


For the COVID 19, information and awareness building are key focus. People, especially the most vulnerable must have the right to information and get the right orientation to avoid being contaminated.


This is done through awareness raising on the church operated radio and newspaper. In Rwanda Caritas relays the church media message to the communities and builds their awareness; in Singapore, local Caritas has put in place COVID-19 vigilance and recall to everybody the need to adopt good personal hygiene. Caritas Italiana is continuing its mission with the poor through soup kitchens, dormitories to receive people; it provides remote services to the elders through the young volunteers. These are some of the many examples of Caritas being active with the most vulnerable;


At Caritas Internationalis, we put in place a COVID-19 Crisis Cell ad a task forces to monitor, follow-up and provide information and guidance to our network.


Our service to the poorest cannot be stopped by the virus, but by being inventive and taking all the precautions, we will continue to serve the most vulnerable.


In your web site I read that one Caritas worker said that this is a time for an “intertwined net of responsibility” where each of us understands how we can help others. What do you think and what do you suggest about it?

在您的網站上,我讀到一位明愛的工作人員說,這是建立「相互交織的責任網」的時候,我們每個人都了解我們可以如何幫助他人。 您如何看待這件事和對此有何建議?

The COVID-19 showed us how interconnected and fragile we are and fighting against the propagation of this virus is also a collective responsibility. At the same time, we also need to cater to the needs of those who are not affected but are collateral victims of this crisis. I wonder how the thousands of Bangladeshi’s who live by working in the open market are managing at this moment. In Caritas, we are also worried about the staff in the poorer countries who may go without a salary because they cannot continue their work. And what about those informal workers who do not have any social security? I think this is the moment to show solidarity, love and care. Pope Francis told us last Friday, “the Coronavirus must also bring out the best in us”. Yes, it must bring out Humanity and our loving care because we are all a human family and we need to live in solidarity as a community. This could be by sharing means, helping those who need support, the work of Caritas for example, and we will certainly need means to help the Caritas in the global south to help those who need help. This spirit will be needed all the more when we get out of this tragedy.


Moreover, I hope what is happening in Europe does not prevent us from caring and sharing with far away neighbors in other continents.


What are Caritas organizations doing in poor countries to defend against Covid-19? What is the situation in Africa or Asia?


At the moment the pandemic has not yet reached Africa. In Asia, countries like India and Sri Lanka have adopted drastic measures. Caritas along with the Church is contributing to building awareness, informing people on the right attitude to have before the propagation of the virus. The right to information and creative ideas are quite relevant inputs and our Caritas are doing that. At the level of the confederation we are assessing the Church medical structures that exist already so that if there is an outbreak, we can take up quick action. In Africa, we are reflecting on how to involve the local church and its institutions including Caritas, in preparing themselves. This is a moment we need high coordination and imagination.


One of the specificities of the Caritas network is to offer prayer services. In the end, when humanity cannot manage, we must have the courage and humility to believe that God can do the impossible. This is what they are doing in Sri Lanka where prayer services are organized, in the Philippines and India to name a few.


In this particular and difficult moment, the volunteers are available or afraid of contagion?


The volunteers have the goodwill and they want to continue working. But we need to impose the principle of precaution and invent ways we can continue to serve.

志工們有善意,他們希望繼續工作。 但是我們需要加強預防,並發現可以繼續提供服務的方式。

COVID-19 is a new phenomenon and nobody know how things will develop. I think we need to be careful. Caritas Internationalis has given strict instructions in the Covid 19 platform and the different Caritas have also offered lots of instructions and safety measures for people to be careful.


The global pandemic crisis can lead to discrimination of vulnerable groups in society, such as migrants and refugees?


The COVID-19 has taught us one lesson: humankind has no boundaries, race, caste, religion or economical status. Pope Francis is calling us to live the best in us, that is the humanity in each of us. We need to be aware that we are not immortal and COVID 19 has shown us how in three months the whole world could get into a total panic, lockdown and absolute isolation. It is the moment for us to open our hearts in a spirit global fraternity to receive the other, to welcome the other as oneself.


COVID-19 has shown that every one of us is vulnerable. It has made us understand that we need one another to fight against common enemies.


The Memory of the future must bring us to organize ourselves to fight against the virus of selfishness, to fight against the sin of indifference, and above all cherish the value of the human person.


This is something on which Caritas must continue to work.


How Caritas Internationalis plans to reach all social strata on the planet?


When we say Caritas, we are implicitly meaning the local Church. Caritas is the service of the Local Church. In this sense, Caritas is present in a capillary manner and is in contact directly with the local communities in the parish.


Moreover, Caritas also works with all the religious communities. In Mauritania, the Bishop of Nouakschot sent a press release supporting the government decisions and also asking people to abide by it. This was a means of being in dialogue with the local society and Caritas continues to support this.


So when we say Caritas Internationalis, we are talking about the 165 members who in their unique manner can act effectively and efficiently.


Can the pandemic divert attention to other critical issues such as poverty, violence and persecution? In this scenario, how Caritas Internationalis can act?


Yes, this pandemic must be a moment of “Kairos”. The world cannot be functioning the way it was doing before. We should orient our reflections with a memory of the future, to see how we could be imaginative to keep the momentum of togetherness and solidarity we have felt during the COVID-19.


We need to look for a new order, both economic and ecological, and it has to be integral. The piecemeal approach cannot continue.


We need to combat poverty as we wanted to combat the virus. The virus of poverty is even more serious than COVID 19. We must see how the international debt to the poor or developing countries can be written off and the money is used in each of the countries locally to help the poor to have micro-projects to get out of their situation of poverty. We need to advocate for this. A Church can be a major actor with Caritas because it has the infrastructure, the capacity and the means to do it. But this must be addressed urgently.


The fear for death created by COVID-19 and all that we did to save lives, must lead us to stop killing through war and violence. On one hand, we want to protect ourselves against death and on the other hand, we continue the war that takes away more lives than COVID. How incoherent we are and how selfish are we? If I reason in memory of the future, this is something that needs to be programmed an international conference and- stop the violence and the world leaders put before their responsibilities. This is an important aspect we need to nurture because everybody knows what it means to live in fear of death, losing somebody and this is the moment to address this and STOP THE WAR and CONFLICTS.


Are you convinced that the aid will be accessible to everyone ? How can injustices be avoided?

您是否確信每個人都可以使用該援助? 如何避免不公?

The Holy Father said, “ we need a new order a new development paradigm”. As said earlier Poverty and injustices are deadlier virus than COVID-19. We need to pray and take the appropriate action for the new order.

教宗說:「我們需要新秩序,新發展範例」。如前所述,貧困和不公比新冠肺炎更致命。 我們需要為新秩序祈禱並採取適當的行動。

Sean Callaghan, President of CRS and Vice President of CI said during the Executive Board, “we must ask our government leaders to reach out to the Catholic network for promoting the different activities of micro development and integral human development”. It is through such activities of advocacy and getting the means, we can continue to serve and fight against the virus of injustice.

美國明愛會總裁兼國際明愛會副總裁Sean Callaghan在執行董事會期間說:「我們必須要求我們的政府領導人與天主教網絡接觸,以促進微觀發展和人類整體發展的不同活動」。正是通過這樣的倡導活動和方式,我們才能繼續服務並和不正義的病毒抗爭。

2020年4月7日 星期二


Cardinal Tagle reflects on global unity in the face of the pandemic in his 2020 Easter message

Dear Friends,


As we prepare to celebrate Easter 2020, finally the world is united. We are united in fear of what tomorrow will bring, of not knowing if our societies will withstand the devastating impact of the Coronavirus pandemic and if we or our family members will survive this terrible moment.


We are in the garden of Gethsemane with the disciples and our faith is being badly shaken. Many of us are suffering and are tempted to feel that we have nowhere to turn as science, our governments and the knowledge we have developed to this point in history offer us no solutions.


The pandemic is making the suffering of vulnerable people - migrants and refugees, the elderly, the sick, the poor and unemployed - even deeper. We urge our governments to ensure access to healthcare and social protection for everyone – particularly the most vulnerable. We pray that our leaders rise to the challenge of promoting unity and a shared responsibility in all of our countries.


At this point in history, this turning point which is throwing our lives and societies into chaos, can each of us have the honesty and courage to say “I alone do not have the answer”? Can our governments admit that many of them got it wrong when they didn’t allow everyone to belong to the human family in a dignified way? Can our societies put aside economic concerns and show that they care for everyone without exception?


In the midst of loss, uncertainty and suffering, something incredible is happening: we are noticing the bonds which form our human family. Bonds that we previously took for granted or ignored. As we live in isolation and we all become marginalised and vulnerable, the global suffering we are seeing has made it startlingly apparent to us that we need other people and other people need us too.


It is as though the stone that covers the tomb is slowly being rolled back to allow a light of recognition. This light heralds Easter and the Risen Christ.


Meanwhile, changes that would have been unthinkable three months ago are actually happening: air quality has improved in a number of countries and warring parties in some others have called cease fires. These may be temporary, but they remind us that seemingly irresolvable human problems aren’t eternal. We are reminded that Jesus stayed in the tomb for a brief time before rising to eternal life. Death does not have the final say when you make space for hope.


Caritas organisations are facing this global emergency as one confederation and by working in unity, sharing what they have learned with other countries and offering a helping hand to each other. One by one, Caritas organisations around the world have activated to warn, prevent and take care of those affected by the Coronavirus.


My deepest thanks go to Caritas workers and volunteers and all those who are by the side of people who have fallen sick or who are vulnerable and isolated in the midst of this crisis. I feel immense gratitude towards all those who trustingly open their hearts and give themselves fully to bring the lights of love and hope into people’s lives at this dark time. Caritas staff and volunteers and their families are in my prayers as our communities face this enormous challenge.

我衷心的感謝明愛會的工作人員和志工們,以及在這場危機中陪伴患病、脆弱和孤立的人身邊的所有人。 我對所有在此黑暗時刻敞開心並全力以赴將愛與希望的光帶入人們生活的所有人們深表謝意。當我們的社區面臨這一巨大挑戰時,我為明愛會的工作人員、志工和他們的家人祈禱。

“Caritas christi urget nos” – the love of Christ urges us on ( 2 Corinthians 5:14). This love, seen in small and large gestures of hope and solidarity, is calling us to a new future and a new way of living. COVID-19 knows no borders but neither do faith, hope and love.

基督的愛催迫著我們(格林多514)。 這種愛以希望和團結的大大小小的方式表現出來,正在使我們走向新的未來和新的生活方式。新冠病毒沒有國界,但信仰、希望和愛也都無國界。

The answer to this crisis lies in all of us and in our unity. As people around the world face Easter without the possibility of physical communion, without the possibility of celebrating the Eucharist physically together, we have a time of slow down where we can reflect deeply on what “Body of Christ” means for each of us. In the darkness of this crisis, the light of Christ will shine. Jesus is truly risen! He will not die again. May Jesus rise for people around the world through our love!


Let us pray for the serenity to accept the things we cannot change, the courage to change the things we can and the wisdom to know the difference. Let us pray to find the deeper meaning of this challenge that is facing the whole of humanity and which is calling us to faith and to resurrection.


I wish you all an Easter of love and peace.


Yours in Christ,


Cardinal Luis Antonio Gokim Tagle



Emergencies and Charity

A reflection by Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle



Dear sisters and brothers,


We are faced with an emergency due to the corona virus-19. An emergency from the Latin word ……. The first one unforeseen occurance rises before us and requires attention.


 Emergencies are not new to us. Every year we experience earthquakes, typhoons, floods, droughts and diseases. But they are often confined to limited places and people.


 The current corvid-19 emergency is called pandemic from the two Greek words “pan” meaning all and “demos” meaning people or population. A pandemia affects all or nearly all people. We can say the covid-19 is in general or universal emergency. It affects nearly all of us. It invites a response from all of us.

目前的新冠病毒緊急狀況被稱為全球流行病是從兩個希臘字來的“ pan” 的意思是全部,“demos”是人們或人口。一個大流行病影響所有或幾乎所有的人。我們可以說新冠病毒讓全球處於緊急狀態。它幾乎影響到我們所有人,它引起了所有人的回應。

 During emergencies we instinctively think first of ourselves, our families and people close to us. We will do anything within our means to protect them.  While this reaction is basically good, we should be carefully so that we do not end up of thinking only of ourselves. We should avoid fear from making us blind to the needs of other people. Those needs are the same as ours. We should prevent anxiety from killing general concerns for neighbors.


 In an emergency the true heart of a person also (epergnes). From an emergency that affects all people pandemia we hope to see a pandemic emergence of caring compassion love. An emergency crisis erupts unexpectedly can be addressed only but equal eruption of hope. A pandemic spread of virus must produce a pandemic __ of charity.


 History will judge our generation by the power of selflove selfless love. This common emergency will generate and spread or we will fail to do so.

歷史將通過自愛無私的愛的力量來審判我們這一代。 這個共同緊急情況會產生蔓延,否則我們將無法做到這一點。

 We thank the heroic people whose love and courage have already been a source of healing and hope these past weeks.


 Experts say that we should wash our hands to avoid been contaminated by the virus and to avoid spreading it.


 The trial of Jesus ___ Pilate called for water and wash his hands in front of the crowd declaring as he did “I am innocent of the blood of this just man. The responsibility is yours." From Saint Mathew.  we should wash our hands but not the way pilot did. We can’t wash our hands off our responsibility toward the poor, the elderly, the unemployed, the refugees, the homeless, the health providers, indeed all people, creation and future generations. We pray through the power of the Holy Spirit generating love for all may emerge from all human hearts as we face a common emergency.
