2020年4月7日 星期二


Emergencies and Charity

A reflection by Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle



Dear sisters and brothers,


We are faced with an emergency due to the corona virus-19. An emergency from the Latin word ……. The first one unforeseen occurance rises before us and requires attention.


 Emergencies are not new to us. Every year we experience earthquakes, typhoons, floods, droughts and diseases. But they are often confined to limited places and people.


 The current corvid-19 emergency is called pandemic from the two Greek words “pan” meaning all and “demos” meaning people or population. A pandemia affects all or nearly all people. We can say the covid-19 is in general or universal emergency. It affects nearly all of us. It invites a response from all of us.

目前的新冠病毒緊急狀況被稱為全球流行病是從兩個希臘字來的“ pan” 的意思是全部,“demos”是人們或人口。一個大流行病影響所有或幾乎所有的人。我們可以說新冠病毒讓全球處於緊急狀態。它幾乎影響到我們所有人,它引起了所有人的回應。

 During emergencies we instinctively think first of ourselves, our families and people close to us. We will do anything within our means to protect them.  While this reaction is basically good, we should be carefully so that we do not end up of thinking only of ourselves. We should avoid fear from making us blind to the needs of other people. Those needs are the same as ours. We should prevent anxiety from killing general concerns for neighbors.


 In an emergency the true heart of a person also (epergnes). From an emergency that affects all people pandemia we hope to see a pandemic emergence of caring compassion love. An emergency crisis erupts unexpectedly can be addressed only but equal eruption of hope. A pandemic spread of virus must produce a pandemic __ of charity.


 History will judge our generation by the power of selflove selfless love. This common emergency will generate and spread or we will fail to do so.

歷史將通過自愛無私的愛的力量來審判我們這一代。 這個共同緊急情況會產生蔓延,否則我們將無法做到這一點。

 We thank the heroic people whose love and courage have already been a source of healing and hope these past weeks.


 Experts say that we should wash our hands to avoid been contaminated by the virus and to avoid spreading it.


 The trial of Jesus ___ Pilate called for water and wash his hands in front of the crowd declaring as he did “I am innocent of the blood of this just man. The responsibility is yours." From Saint Mathew.  we should wash our hands but not the way pilot did. We can’t wash our hands off our responsibility toward the poor, the elderly, the unemployed, the refugees, the homeless, the health providers, indeed all people, creation and future generations. We pray through the power of the Holy Spirit generating love for all may emerge from all human hearts as we face a common emergency.


